Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Q&A with Greg McGowan of Time and Distance

Time and Distance are returning to The Main Street Cafe this Friday for another show of epic proportions. 

The band, a highly contagious pop rock outfit from Charleston, West Virginia, will have local support from Tell No Tales, Ivory Coast and The Fifth Gear. 

Friday - 1.30.15

Doors: 7pm
Show: 8pm
Admission: $3

Greg McGowan answered some questions for those curious about Time and Distance. Check it out below!

From left to right: Greg McGowan, Dustin Patton, Adrian Crowder and Chris Thompson
The Main Street Cafe (TMSC): First off, who makes up Time and Distance?

Greg McGowan (GM): Dustin Patton plays lead guitar and sings, Adrian Crowder plays bass guitar and sings sometimes, Chris Thompson plays drums, and my name is Greg McGowan and I play guitar and sing.

TMSC: How has the New Year been so far for you guys? Any new things coming up?

GM: It’s been really awesome so far! We just finished a tour of the east coast that was super fun, and we are getting ready to release some new music that we recorded at the end of last year, which we are super excited about.

TMSC: Can you describe your sound using only verbs?

GM: No. and i thought about this for nearly 15 minutes. hahaha

TMSC: Your Facebook says the band has been around since 2002. How has your sound evolved over the last 13 years of writing music?

GM: Well the band technically started with me just playing by myself acoustic when I was still in high school. A few years later it turned into a real “band” and we started taking it more seriously, but we were still playing acoustic, just with bass and drums. A few years after that we went electric and definitely have gotten a little more aggressive in the last few years.

TMSC: Your band has played at the Cafe before, right?

GM: Yeah I believe this will be our third time. Main Street always is a fun time, we are super excited to come back.

TMSC: Having toured quite a bit, what is the difference between playing bigger and smaller venues?

GM: It’s way harder to translate energy in a bigger room. In a small room it’s way easier to connect with people and have it be a little bit more “intimate” for lack of a better word. Don’t get me wrong, it’s super fun to play huge places where you can look out and see nothing but people, but i think we definitely feel a little more “at home” in smaller places.

TMSC: What can people expect from a Time and Distance live show?

 GM: Bad humor and us almost running into each other about 1000 times, while still somehow playing our songs.

TMSC: What is something people might not know about the band?

 GM: We are all incredibly picky eaters.

TMSC: Anything else you’d like to say to Clarksburg and anyone reading this?

GM: You guys rule, thanks so much for doing this. Clarksburg is always a great time, and you guys have an awesome little scene happening up there, we are super glad to be a part of it!

TMSC: Thanks so much. Clarksburg can’t wait to rock out with you guys Friday!

GM: Thank you!

RSVP for Time and Distance's show this Friday on Facebook and listen to their song "That Girl" from ONep below!

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