Saturday, May 10, 2014

Meet the Crew: Tyler Bish

If you have been to The Main Street Cafe for any event, it is likely that you've had the pleasure meeting Tyler Bish. Tyler is equal parts doorman, bartender, sound guy and eye candy. One of the most down to earth people you could hope to meet, Tyler loves hanging out and chilling with the many people that walk through Main Street's doors. Fair warning though, if you try to start any trouble, Tyler will make sure you don't disturb the peace and positive energy in The Cafe. He's a kindhearted guy, but he is a very strong kindhearted guy who isn't afraid to kick a troublemaker out.


What is your name and position at The Main Street Cafe?

My name is Tyler Bish, and my position is whatever they need me for. I've worked the front door. I do a little bit of security. I work behind the bar. I run the sound. I do pretty much anything.

Why did you get involved with The Main Street Cafe?

The first night I was here, which was the kick-off show, I looked around here and I seen everything that was going on, and I decided I wanted to be a part of this. So I started talking to Daniel, and actually lo and behold we actually known each other from years, years back, and I just started talking to him, and he wanted me out here. So that's why I'm here today. We used to go to church camp together. I didn't realize it at the time until we started talking about it. Like, yeah we've known each other for a long, long time.

Favorite musician/band?

Honestly, I love Get With It. I love the way Greg performs and everything else. He can get  a crowd of just five people pumped as much as a crowd of 100 people. And the way they put the music together is all about everybody. I love the way how they perform. I don't think I've seen a  band that has been able to get the crowd excited as much as they can. That, and he gets naked.

What about your favorite bigger band?

I really enjoy the Red Hot Chili Peppers. That's one of my favorites. That's actually what got me playing bass back in the day.

Favorite movie?

I don't have a favorite movie. I watch anything and everything. That's including chick flicks. I could sit there and watch a chick flick and cry as much as I could watch an action movie.

Favorite drink?

Blue Moon. I love my Blue Moon. If I had a choice I could drink that all day. I always make sure we have that here.

What are you most excited about with The Main Street Cafe?

I'm excited about The Cafe in general. To see where we started from and where it's become, just within a couple of months is just simply amazing. And I love seeing the people that's been here for every single show and I love the fact that we're seeing new kids every single week.

What has been your favorite memory of The Cafe so far?

I'd have to say every single day that I spend at the cafe is a good memory. And they're always my favorites. That's probably the best way to put it. There hasn't been a favorite, but everything has been so good to me where it's kind of hard (to choose).

What is your dream for the cafe? 

I don't have a dream event, but I actually talked to Daniel and Sissy, and a friend of mine was actually diagnosed with cancer about a month ago, and we're actually throwing a fundraiser on May 16th. And the fact that they're able to do that for me to help them is actually kind of a dream for me. And it's awesome because I'm all about helping people, and since these people have been in my life and has always helped me I'm glad I can repay them in some way, in some form.

You’re stranded on a deserted island. What are your three essentials?

My pocket knife, I always carry a pocket knife. No matter what, you can use a pocket knife with pretty much anything. My dog. My dog has always been there for me through thick and thin. It doesn't matter if I'm depressed or anything, my dog will always be there for me. And my pillow. I don't care where I'm sleeping. As long as I have a freaking pillow I'm happy. It doesn't matter.

Leave everyone with your best bit of life advice.

Just enjoy it. Enjoy the small things and always worry what's going on instead of what's gonna be happening. If you worry too much about what's being planned, then you'll never see what's going on right now.

Anything else the world should know about Tyler Bish?

If you want to know more about me, come to the cafe and get to know me.

Come out to The Main Street Cafe and meet the wonderful human being known as Tyler Bish.

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