Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Maid Myriad vocalist comes to the cafe: a Q&A with JCK.

This Wednesday, May 21st,Unraveled. aid Myriad will be kicking off the "These Fragile Bones Tour", his first acoustic outing, by coming to The Main Street Cafe.

JCK is the epitome of DIY. Based out of Akron, Ohio, Jeff Klemm (JCK) writes, performs, records, mixes and promotes his own music. Currently the frontman for Ohio rock trio Maid Myriad, he has toured the country multiple times performing music.

This tour, JCK is going solo. He'll be receiving local support from Morgantown three-piece rock band Fuck Your Birthday, who are also kicking off their own tour, hard hitting rock duo False Pterodactyl, folk-punk duo Captain Catfeesh, I Am a Sea Creature, and Unraveler.

The music will start at 6 p.m., and admission is $5. JCK's crooning vocals, a mix between soft and forceful, sets him apart from your average frontman-gone-singer/songwriter.

Just in case you need some convincing, here's a video of him doing Maid Myriad's "Encircled" acoustic.

If you're not impressed by his vocal range you're probably deceiving yourself. I reached out to JCK via Facebook and asked him some questions. Check out the exclusive interview with him below.

The Main Street Cafe: First off, want to say a little bit about this tour that you’re embarking on?

JCK: This is my first solo acoustic tour showcasing brand new songs due to be released on an acoustic album that will come out this summer. I'm actually embarking on this whole tour using public transportation, so it will be a pretty interesting way to see the country and travel.

TMSC: How often do you get to play solo? 

JCK: The acoustic side of my music is something I always do in my spare time, but haven't really done on a consistent basis. It really depends on the schedule of Maid Myriad. Last year we did 5 tours with over 100 shows all over America, and the only time I had for my acoustic was during (downtime) or in between tours. This year, we've been really busy wrapping up mixing for our first full length album which will be released in August.

TMSC:  Have you played in Clarksburg or West Virginia before? 

JCK: We've actually never played West Virginia before.

TMSC: How does it feel to be playing acoustic instead of full band? 

JCK: It really is a whole different monster. With the band, we're a three piece. We're loud, heavy, we flail around and make a ton of noise! We've been told it sounds like there's 5 guys onstage! With the acoustic set it's pretty much the opposite. I'm by myself with an acoustic guitar so it's very mellow. I really like to push the fact that you can be intense while being dynamically soft.

TMSC: What sort of songs can we expect, Maid Myriad, originals, covers?

JCK: You can certainly expect some acoustic versions of Maid Myriad songs slated to be on the full length record. I also have an album's worth of solo acoustic songs I will be road testing before I head into the studio in June to track that record. Aaannnnd you might hear a few cover songs slipped in there.

TMSC: What are you most excited about for this show?

JCK: I LOVE playing/seeing/experiencing new cities and meeting new people. It's really what attracts me to being a touring musician.

TMSC: Finally, if you could duet with any musician on any song, who would it be, what song, and why?

JCK: This is such a tough question! I would LOVE to sing with hundreds of other musicians who inspire me daily..... I don't know. Today my answer will be Bjork. She floors me.

Head to The Main Street Cafe and hear JCK from the band Maid Myriad  on Wednesday 5/21.

Listen to JCK's acoustic stuff at

Listen to Maid Myriad at

Check out Maid Myriad's 2013 "Camera Eye EP" below.  [spotify id="spotify:track:16mE3IfzONgdls7vvUag9h" width="300" height="380" /]

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