Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Gentleman's Evening

Black tie? Check. Immaculate mustache? Check. High class cigar? Check. Euphoric music? Check.

This Friday, March 28th, is a special event at The Main Street Cafe. Not only is it an evening of all ages local music, but it is an evening of epic gentlemanly proportions!

From crooning to growling, the night will span the spectrum of suave. Here's a list of the class acts.

A Greener Shade of Blue (high-energy rock featuring flowing, ginger hair)

The Danger of Falling (faith-driven hardcore featuring the epitome of handsome five times over)

Timelines (acoustic-turned-mellow-rock jam band featuring a perfect mustache)

Culture Thief (eclectic experimental music featuring the voice of an angel)

Tomorrow to Forever (heartfelt acoustic-pop featuring well-groomed hair; I'm looking at you Grayson & Grace!)

A Gentleman's Sport (hard-hitting metalcore featuring courtly, yet fierce gentlemen)

It is a $3 admission fee. So fellas, here's an opportunity act smooth and find a lady and pay her way in! Doors open at approximately 4 p.m.

I could ramble on about how awesome the show is going to be, but what better way to truly preview such a night than to hear from the gentlemen and gentlewomen that are going to be putting on the event?

I reached out via Facebook and asked some band members, as well as the cafe's managers, the following questions:

1. What does it mean to you to be a gentleman?

2. How does a gentleman rock out?

3. What’s the most gentleman thing you’ve ever done/had done to/for you?

Check out some of the responses below!

Sissy Broadwater, manager of The Main Street Cafe

Q1: A man who is kind and attentive. Someone who's respectful of himself and others.

Q2: Like a sir! Haha in all seriousness, we've had a lot of gentleman perform at the cafe! They're the ones who come early to support all of the bands, the ones who come up and grab water for their band mates, who thank the venue and the people for coming out.

Q3: Some of you may not know this but I asked Daniel to marry me first. Daniel got to do the official proposal, but I was the first one to bring it up. I think that was pretty gentlemanly of me and Daniel too. 

Daniel Bonner, manager of The Main Street Cafe

Q1: A gentleman is a term that has lost its meaning over the years. Very few people now days are considered to be gentleman. To me, a gentleman is a man who is kind and courteous to everyone he encounters. Whether it be open a door for someone, helping someone carry their groceries, or simply smiling as someone passes them by.

Q2: A gentleman rocks out by putting on his Sunday best and supporting all the bands by buying merch, and standing right up front during all their sets.

Q3: I consider myself to be a gentleman. I may act like a crazy, bearded freak, but deep down I am truly a kind hearted person. Sometimes too kind. The most gentleman thing I have ever done? There have been too many time to pin-point any single

Luke Smith, vocalist of The Danger of Falling

Q1: To be a gentleman to me, means being polite to grandma and smelling appropriate.. When in public.

Q2: A gentleman rocks out with a combover and classy shoes.

Q3: The most recent gentleman-like thing I've done was kill a spider for the ole lady.. She's terrified of 'em.

Tyler Wells, drummer of Timelines

Q1: So, being a gent means being classy, suave. Slick back hair and mustaches. Hah you know? Opening doors for lady's, pulling out chair(s). That's a true gentleman.

Q2: A gentleman rocker goes up on stage and DOES NOT act like a fool. Doesn't go up there, being all flashy and disrespectful and what not. He goes up on stage and gives the best performance of his life no matter how many people are there. A gentleman doesn't have to be flashy, a true gent goes up there and knooooows he's an awesome performer and doesn't need to be all show offy towards the crowd.

Q3: Most gentlemanly thing that's every happened to me is probably the one time this dude went out of his way to hold the door a little longer for me after he had already held it for his group and as I walked in I said "Preciate man" to which he replied to me, "No problem, man. That mustache is off the chain." This young man held the door for me, all cause he liked my mustache. True. Gentle. Man. Complemented me aaaaaand held the door. Take notes, fellas.

Grace Corley, vocalist of Tomorrow to Forever

Q1: First and foremost, I am a lady. To me though, being a gentleman would be using your skills and talents to help those around you while rocking an amazing mustache. ( I have yet to start work on my mustache, though I'm sure it'll happen any day now).

Q2: A gentleman rocks out by getting on stage and just having a good time. No matter the mistakes they may make, just get up there and continue on for the show, and never stop having fun.

Q3: It's hard to choose just one good act to show one being a gentleman. To me personally I'll always be thankful for my boyfriend Ben, whom has never stopped being a gentleman for me and goes out of his way to make everything just right. And while being in a band of mostly gentleman, I have seen them go out of their way as well to help me not only find my voice, but also get over my stage fright by getting me up on that stage and helping me to sing. It doesn't take much to become that of a gentleman or lady, it just takes simple acts of kindness to get you going on the right track.

This Friday isn't going to be something that you want to miss. Don your most elegant apparel and come out for an evening of fun, classy music. Dudes, slick your hair back if you feel so inclined. Ladies, do whatever makes you feel like a gentleman. Swap out your cigarettes for cigars and your band tees for button ups, and lets make this a night to remember!

(Of course, the whole gentleman theme is 100% optional. We won't judge you if you come in your day-to-day attire.)

Leave your own responses to the questions in the comments below!

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