Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Q&A with Lance Waste & Anthony Powers

This Friday, February 27th, Lance Waste and Anthony Powers will be finishing up their "Wintour of Discontent" here at The Main Street Cafe. Waste and Powers are two of the members of heartfelt indie rock outfit Darling Waste, but they're stripping it down and going solo for this tour. They each tout their own blend of vulnerable acoustic music.

Their current tour has them hitting several cities along the East Coast in support of their recent split EP release.

When they come to the cafe, they will be supported by SoulStrippa, Clean Dirty Clean and Novis.

Doors @ 6 - Show @ 7 - $5 Admission

RSVP on Facebook for the latest updates!

The two of them answered some questions about their friendship, the tour and their split EP.

Tour flier courtesy of Darling Waste's Facebook.

The Main Street Cafe (TMSC): How long have you guys known each other? How did you meet?

Lance: Well, we've known each other for a couple years now, we both work in the music industry and were working in the same office for a while and Anthony was actually my boss for a little bit.

Anthony: Yeah, when Lance and I first met we really didn't like each other very much, because it took him about two months to realize I was his boss.

TMSC: What prompted this tour to come into existence?

Anthony: So I've been playing bass in Darling Waste for almost a year now, and we were playing this show up towards Cleveland. The promoters were short a few bands so I just kind of threw in an acoustic set of my own songs, and then Lance did an acoustic set as well, so that was kind of the spark that got us started with wanting to put out this acoustic record.

Lance: The tour idea was appealing to me as well because I haven't been playing an instrument in Darling Waste for a while. I've just been being the front man, and we've been playing as a full band, so I haven't been able to play a lot of the older darling Waste acoustic songs. The idea of going out playing smaller venues, driving a car instead of a van and playing the old acoustic songs was really appealing to me as well.

TMSC: You’re on the home stretch of your tour. How has it been so far?

Lance: it's been really great. it's been relaxing and fun. It's good to go see old friends. We're playing a lot of towns that we haven't hit in a while, and we got to go to Disney World. So yeah, it's been a lot of fun.

Anthony: I've been drunk half the time, so yeah it's been pretty solid.

TMSC: Has anything weird or crazy happened?

Anthony: well for me this is actually my first tour, so everything's been a little bit weird and crazy. I mean, so far we've done some really interesting and cool things with some really awesome people from all across the country.

Lance: Yeah, one of our friends got us into Wonderworks in Myrtle Beach, so we got to play laser tag and do a bunch of cool stuff there. and then we also just went to the Ringling Circus Museum which was also really crazy and beautiful and a lot of fun. And the only other crazy thing that happened for me is that one of the opening acts, one of the kids in Canton, tried to fistfight me because they thought the show was free and I was just trying to figure out what was going on and instead of talking, he wanted to fight.

TMSC: How are you two similar as musicians, how are you different?

Lance: I mean, we both come from the same kind of musical background. We both come from punk rock, your post hardcore, emo type music kind of background as far as what we listen to. I think we're both also hyper literate. Anthony was an English major, and I was a political science major. So I think we have that in common. Also, we're both white guys playing guitars, you know. As far as differences, I think I'm just a little more dreary, where Anthony's music is a little more angry still. Give him time to get beaten-down and do what I do.

Anthony: We also both have beards right now, although Lance doesn't always have one.

TMSC: You guys recently released a split together. What was that process like?

Anthony: it was a lot of fun. Actually, all of my songs have been written for a while, some longer than others, but it was a really great experience working with Lance to record the songs and put them together. And we like to think that both my side and his side work cohesively together to really give people something new and hopefully entertaining that we're both really proud.

Lance: Yeah, as far as the recording and putting out the record goes, you know it was really laid-back, really organic. We just went down in my basement and just recorded it, and you know we kept it really DIY. That's really what the project was about for us. There was really no pressure or anything like that. We were just in a basement making music and having fun, and I think the project really shows that.

TMSC: Are there any big plans for you guys coming up, either together or individually?

Anthony: staying alive, mostly.

Lance: I'm trying to convince Anthony to have a Disney wedding, either with me or someone else. So time's gonna tell on that one. As far as music goes, after the tour is over we're right back in the studio to finish the Darling Waste record, which should be out in spring or early summer.

TMSC: 3 random Qs- Favorite tour food? What are you guys listening to? T-Swift, Katy Perry or Miley?

Anthony: Cigarettes and black coffee. On tour we haven't actually listened to a lot of music. It's actually been more entertaining to just kind of talk and bullshit and make jokes the whole time. But personally I've been on a big 1950's rock and roll kick lately, plus you know stuff like Death From Above's new album, Bayside, stuff like that. And I don't know, Wednesday Addams.

Lance: For favorite tour food we had pulled pork sandwiches on an island in Georgia, but I can't go wrong with Taco Bell. Taco Bell is always there for me and they're very cheap. As far as what music we're listening to on tour, it's mostly SModcast, Kevin Smith stuff, a lot of podcasting. Musically I only listen to geniuses so it's mostly myself and Kanye West, although he has found a new talent - someone named Paul McMarty, or something like that. He's putting him on, so you know, Paul McCarthy, some old guy, so I'm excited to see what he does with that raw talent as well. Okay and for the Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry thing I think this is a game of kill, bamf, marry? so I'm gonna have to go with bamf Miley Cyrus, right? Because I think you have to do that. Cause she's gonna force it. And then I kill Katy Perry and marry Taylor Swift. So I hope that helps.

TMSC: What are you most looking forward to out of the show at The Main Street Café, and what can fans expect?

Lance: I'm going to plead the fifth on that one, but it's gonna be a great night.

Anthony: Fans can expect us to be drunk, and surely, and swear a lot.

Lance: So much shouting, so much laughter.

Anthony: I mean, it's gonna be a good time. We've had a lot of fun on this tour, and with this show being one of our last dates, I think we're both planning on just leaving it all out there, you know? If I'm not bleeding (again) by the end of my set, I'll be surprised.

TMSC: Anything else you’d like to say?

Anthony: Be excellent to each other. That, and everybody Wang Chung tonight.

Lance: Me and Anthony may disagree on Sea World and the validity of hockey, but he's an alright guy to be in a Dodge Neon with.

Anthony: Anything else?

Lance: Nope.

Check out Lance and Anthony's singles from their Split EP below, and make sure to support them on their Wintour of Discontent!

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