Friday, June 13, 2014

The Main Street Cafe to host all-ages beach-themed concert.


Bust out your bikinis and board shorts, there's going to be a Main Street Beach Bonanza!

The Main Street Cafe is truly kicking off their summer on June 19th when Pittsburgh indie rockers Instead of Sleeping will join forces with three local favorites to put on a beach-themed bash for the ages.

Instead of Sleeping performed at The Main Street Cafe once before, before its management changed hands. At that show they weren't full band, but now they're coming back with a full band and set full of new songs. For anyone who saw their last set, this is an opportunity to catch them again, this time with no holds barred.

"We can't wait to play as a full band for people who only got to see half of what we like to do at shows. We can't wait to play the new songs that we put our heart and soul into," said vocalist and guitarist Shaun Sweeney.

Their latest release, Young Lungs, dropped on May 24th, and is a shiny, shimmering example of how indie rock can be polished without losing its underground, DIY edge. This came as a result of heading to Chicago and working with Mark McClusky (Weezer, Bad Religion, Ludo, LetLive. and more).

Young Lungs is the band's fourth studio release, and is their most dynamic effort to date. It is playful and bright, yet isn't restricted by the pop-inflected sound. Rather, it makes it more accessible to anyone willing to listen.

Sweeney said, "The sound is everywhere from angry and vengeful to smooth and sexy, and could be most understood by people who know how fine the line can be in between."

Joining Instead of Sleeping will be Timelines, Culture Thief and Ryan Glaspell. If you've never caught Timelines or Culture Thief live, then now is the perfect time to do it. Both bands have their own unique knack for writing lively, impassioned rock.

Timelines creates entrancing pop rock that is guaranteed to have you swaying and moving your feet. By the end of their set you'll feel like you are walking on air.

Culture Thief is a true spectacle to behold. They are a collection of musicians collaborating in a magical way onstage to produce blues-inflected jam rock. They bleed talent and sweat passion with ever note.

Ryan Glaspell spans the spectrum of acoustic music. Whether its a catchy, cheery tune, or a personal ballad, his serenading will make you happy, sad and then happy again.

This isn't your average show of talented musicians, though. It's a beach bonanza.

"It was really Evan's (Ferrell, Timelines) idea," Manager Daniel Bonner said, "We were all for it though, because we felt like the cafe needed a theme like this to really kick us off for summer."

What better way to celebrate summer than with beach balls and ocean-gear? If you come decked out in beach attire, then you'll get rewarded with some accessories courtesy of the show.

Evan Ferrell, the beautiful voice behind Timelines, has been busy preparing for the theme.

"We bought a big bulk pack of sunglasses and leis to pass out to everyone who wears beach stuff," Ferrell said.

The Main Street Cafe staff and the musicians will also be putting on their finest swimsuits for the show.

"We have been in the market for inflatables and goggles," Sweeney said, "Don't wanna give too much away!"

Timelines will be adorned with beach gear too.

"I just bought a neon green Hawaiian shirt with trees on it. It is so ugly and so very perfect," Ferrell said.

You might even get lucky and see Daniel Bonner wearing a speedo. Who knows?

Admission is only $5, a small price to pay for energetic music and free beach gear (if you dress accordingly).

Show starts at 6:30, but come early to grab your sunglasses and lei before they run out. You may even see some limbo going down.

Check back next Monday for a full Q&A with Shaun Sweeney of Instead of Sleeping.




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